Wait for the applet and sounds to finish loading, this may take a minute or two. The game screen will show 'Game Over' once everything is ready. In the meantime you can review the instructions below.

Note: If the game doesn't seem to be responding to key presses, click your mouse pointer in the game area.

Playing the Game

Use the keyboard controls described below to maneuver the snake around the maze. Gobble up the mice to score points but avoid running into the walls or yourself.

When the red key appears, grab it to advance to the next level. If you make it through all five levels, you start back at the beginning but the game will move a little faster.



Start Game


Pause Game

Cursor Left

Turn Left

Cursor Down

Turn Down

Cursor Right

Turn Right

Cursor Up

Turn Up


Toggle Sound*


*Note: If the game appears to run slowly on your machine, try turning the sound off. This will not affect game play.




Level Bonus


A an extra life is awarded for every 500 points scored.

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